Monday, January 6, 2014

Life is perfect

No seriously, I couldn't be happier than I am right now. I've got a wonderful loving husband, twin boys that are super sweet and fun and everything you would want from a son, and a 7 month old baby girl that is perfect in every single possible way. We got pass of all passes for the year for the whole family and Greg and I got movie pass for the year just for us two. I would say this is a pretty good start to 2014. Julian asks to pray at bed time just about every night after our story, Leon is as funny and silly as ever, and Sophia is all smiles and hair for days. I can't even count how many people have stopped me in public to see her hair or to ask if it's a wig. She is almost crawling but rolling everywhere. The boys got balance bikes for Christmas and I can't wait for spring to come so that we can get back outside, being inside for too long makes me depressed. Life is good here.