Although I got these herbs a week ago I have not been able to start the cleanse because we have not had groceries ( raw foods) and I was able to go and get some yesterday. Greg had gotten movie tickets for 7pm and I only had an hour to shop, during rush hour, with our 18 month old boys. Let me tell you that was a challenge! The shopping carts at Sunflower market are not big enough for 2 children and I go there because they have a good assortment of organic produce. I put Leon in the child seat of the cart and Julian in the big basket and start dashing for groceries like a mad woman. As I am putting food in the cart Julian is grabbing it out of the bags and trying to eat it. I am trying to weigh the fruit as Julian again is stepping on all the tomatoes and cucumbers I jut put in the cart. He is saying "Nana! Nana!" because he wants a banana and doesn't understand the concept of paying for the food before we can eat it yet. So I end up having to carry Julian in one arm just to keep him from crying for not being able to eat the food surrounding him, I am pushing the cart with one hand and trying to juggle getting a produce bag and fill it with salad greens and everything else I am trying to scramble to buy before the movie starts, not to mention I still have to drop off the boys with Gregs mom Patricia who is 30 minutes away before the movie. I had to get my shopping done on Wednesday because they have double ad that day so there are double the things on sale. Well, after I managed to get everything I forgot about the construction that was going on on state street and ended up calling my sister Cathy to babysit since she lives right next to the jordan commons where our movie was. All ended up working out. I sort of went on a junk food binge last night knowing I was starting this cleanse today so I picked up snacks before the movie for Greg and I which consisted of dougnuts, peach o's, a coke, laffy taffy, kit kat, twix, and a mini cheese pizza from the theatres pizza hut. Wow, talk about indulge!
Among other things Greg recently got a promotion at Market Star and they upscoped his new team which means he is getting ANOTHER RAISE!! :) Which we desperately need! Now don't get me wrong, Greg makes plenty of money to support us already but since he bought me the 07 corolla in december 10 and himself a brand new 2012 corolla last summer times have been tight. I am so proud of him for being so good at his job and being able to support a family, I know that must be hard work for him but he carries it well.
Julian and Leon are mama's boys and they are too adorable for words. They give each other kisses and rub each others back while saying "nay" which means Nice. They love to play in the car and pretend to drive. They love air planes in the sky and playing in sand. What else can I say, they are just wonderful:)